Your Family
Let's face it, picking a new job is a family decision. At the El Dorado County Sheriff's Office, we don't just care for our employees, we care for their loved ones too. Family is interwoven in our daily work and we want you to feel at home as well. Let's explore some of the ways we welcome law enforcement families to EDSO.

Thrive with 10-35
Thrive with 10-35 was started in 2011 with the mission to promote the wellbeing of employees and their families. They equip families with ways to manage all of the challenges associated with being part of the law enforcement family. It is a non-profit, volunteer organization. Thrive is interwoven into EDSO and provides education, training, and so many family events. From family-only citizen academies, to Sweets with Santa and Trunk-or-treat, Thrive gives you a safe place to play. Thrive shines the most during crisis. Your family will have a direct line to critical incident information so you aren't left to wonder. Click here to visit their website!

The Sierra Law Enforcement Chaplaincy provides both a religious and non-religious support system for the community and our employees. They are often called out to help families with unexpected deaths and other tragedies. These folks are licensed counselors with clergy confidentiality. If you are a family member and you need someone to talk to, our chaplains are standing by to help. Click here to learn more about this program.

Peer Support
Peer support consists of employees of every classification and rank. They receive training in counselling and confidentiality. Your loved ones have access to this outlet to help them through problems they may not want to bring home with them. Sometimes it's just a call to say hi, other times it's one-on-one meetings to discuss their personal or professional lives. Peer support also conducts "debriefings" after critical incidents to break the ice and get employees talking. We want your family member coming home happy and healthy.

Explorer Post #457
Do you have some young ones who would like to get some life experience, learn about various careers in the law enforcement field, or serve their communities? Our explorers are one of the best youth organizations around. Our explorers perform community service, develop social skills, learn organizational leadership and boost their self-confidence. Our explorers train in REAL law enforcement skills including live fire shooting, felony traffic stops, critical incident management and mental health. They compete against other posts in California and nationwide and, let's just say our trophy case is overflowing! This is a service we offer the community and encourage our children to try as well. Click here to see them in action.

Welcome Ceremony
Starting a new job shouldn't be stressful, it should be a celebration! Every new hire and their families are invited to a Welcome Ceremony to learn about what our agency is all about, meet the command staff, and get sworn in. The ceremony concludes with some refreshments and a tour of the facility and/or the jail. The ceremony is very important to staff and we always fill the room.

Employee Assistance Program
Every employee at EDSO is given access to our employee assistance program (EAP). This is a confidential service that provides face-to-face or telephone/web meetings to help address your needs. This includes child and eldercare assistance, financial issues, tax assistance, pre-retirement planning, concierege service, legal assistance with civil, personal, and other legal matters, emotional support, relationship help, substance abuse help and more. You get 5 free face-to-face counseling sessions per year and as many phone calls as needed.
Click here to view their brochure!

Do you have a retired family member who wants to contribute? The Sheriff's Team of Active Retirees (STARS) is a volunteer program started in 1994 designed to assist EDSO with critical functions. Our STARS attend a two week academy and job shadowing to learn the ropes. They staff our substations, patrol neighborhoods, perform vacation house checks, host neighborhood watch meetings, deploy our RADAR trailer, make calls to our elderly community members in the YANA program, and assist with office tasks. STARS are ambassadors and attend many community functions. We staff upwards of 100 STARS! If your loved one is interested in joining this group, we would love to have them.