Correctional Officer I:
$4,992/mo - $6,067/mo
$28.80/hr - $35.00/hr
Correctional Officer II:
$5,486/mo - $6,668/mo
$31.65/hr - $38.47/hr
To see the full salary schedule, click here.
Deferred compensation program and tuition reimbursement also available
New! 15% raise with an additional 4% over two years!
Plus: $6,000 hiring bonus.
Collateral Assignments
Life Insurance:
Long Term Disability:
66.67% of regular monthly earnings
Employee Assistance Program:
5 free counseling sessions, child/eldercase assistance, financial services, legal services, identity theft recovery, and daily living services.
Leave Allowances:
13 regular holidays, 3.7 hours sick leave per pay period (two weeks), Vacation based on longevity up to 6.2 hours earned per pay period after 133 months.
Education Incentive:
2% of base salary for AA
5% of base salary for BA/BS (max of 5%)
CalPERS Retirement
Tier 1 - Classic: 3% @ 50 (single highest year final compensation)
Tier 2 - Classic: 2% @ 50 (average 3-year final compensation)
Tier 3 - PEPRA: 2.7% @ 57 (average 3-year final compensation)

Affordable Medical Coverage
County contributes 80% of the total plan premium
3 Blue Shield PPOs, 2 Kaiser HMOs, and 2 other options through OE3.
Delta Dental PPO + Premier
VSP Choice Vision Plan
Basic Life Insurance $20,000
To see a full listing of the benefits for this position (Bargaining Unit CR), click here

Correctional Officer I/II
Sheriff's Correctional Officers have the opportunity to serve and protect their communities in a unique way; following the Sheriff's Vision of Total enforcement on crime and criminals and delivering consistent and humane care to those placed in our custody. Correctional Officers are assigned to both the South Lake Tahoe and Placerville facilities and may be assigned to specialty units within the jails such as Classification and Gangs, Inmate Services, and armed Transportation Officers.
Transportation Officer
Inmate Services Officer
Classification Officer
Medical Officer
Emergency Response Team
At EDSO, our correctional officers are given the opportunity to grow professionally and explore your interests. Collateral assignments are a way for you to be a full time officer and participate in specialties that you perform on-duty or as overtime opportunities. Check out some of our collateral assignments available to you:
Jail Training Officer (JTO)
Officer in Charge (OIC)
TASER Instructor
Arrest Control Instructor
First Aid/CPR Instructor
Gang Unit
Many of our correctional officers use their valuable skills as a correctional officer to become deputy sheriffs. EDSO will promote and sponsor some employees as Deputy Sheriff I (Academy Trainee).
Collateral Assignments

Job Definition
Under general supervision or direction, maintains facility security and ensures inmate welfare in a County Jail; oversees and directs the work of inmates in structured situations and the community during an assigned shift; prepares clear, accurate, and comprehensive reports and other written materials; maintains accurate records, logs, and files; and performs related duties as assigned.
Officers typically work 12 hours shifts as "floor officers," "intake officers," and "tower officers." They work 3 days in one week and 4 days the following week.
Upon being hired, officers typically begin a 12-week jail training program. Within the first year of employment, the officers will be sent to a 6-week corrections academy.
The Position
There are two types of Correctional Officer positions:
Correctional Officer I: All new correctional officers begin here for the first year. They spend this year in the jail training program, corrections academy, and receiving all minimum training.
Correctional Officer II: Once all qualifying training has been met including the completion of a California certified Jail Operations course, First Aid, and CPR, and you have completed one year of experience equivalent to the Correctional Officer I, you met the minimum requirements for this position.
Minimum Requirements
Must be a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident alien who is eligible for, and has applied for, citizenship
No felony convictions
Not on probation. (Misdemeanors may be disqualifying depending on the quantity, type of violation, and the date of the violation)
Valid Driver License
U.S. high school graduate or GED recipient
At least 18 years of age
Effective English oral and written communication skills
Successful completion of a comprehensive background investigation, computer voice stress analysis exam, Sheriff’s interview, psychological examination and complete medical examination. To see the full list of requirements, view the job classifications by clicking here.
The Hiring Process

Step 1 - Application
To become a correctional officer, no previous training or experience is required. Most applicants are just like you! From high school grads, to former military, and retail clerks, our correctional officers come straight from the community. If you like what you've seen so far, your first step in the process is to apply. Complete and submit an online application for Correctional Officer I.
Step 2 - App Review
If you meet the minimum qualifications for Correctional Officer I, the Sheriff’s Personnel Unit will review your application and invite you to the physical abilities exam. You will be given at least one week's notice of the next step.
Step 4 - Written Exam
A written exam will be utilized to determine an applicant's ranking and placement on the eligibility list. If it is determined that you meet the minimum qualifications and are therefore eligible to participate, you will be notified by email at least one week prior to the examination. Many times, this exam is held on the same date as the physical abilities exam. If you have taken the BSCC Adult Correction Officer examination within twelve (12) months prior to the scheduled date of the examination, you may elect to transfer that examination score or sit for the examination again; you must contact Human Resources prior to the scheduled exam date to request that your previous score be transferred.
Step 5 - Interview
The Sheriff’s Personnel Unit will give you directions on how to use the online self-scheduling feature to schedule yourself for an upcoming oral board interview. Once scheduled, you may not receive a reminder to appear at your scheduled interview. Please record the date and time of your exam when you schedule yourself. This is your responsibility. The interview will be a formal, panel style interview with two or three interviewers.

Step 9 - Review
The EDSO Chain of Command receives and reviews your background file. If your background investigation reveals no disqualifying issues, you will be scheduled for an interview with the Sheriff.
Step 10 - Interview/ Medical/Psych
The Sheriff will discuss you as a person and expectations of employees. At the end, he may provide you with a conditional offer of employment. The conditions are that you successfully complete a psychological evaluation and medical/eye exam as per POST guidelines.
That's it!
If you successfully completed these conditions, you will receive notice of your swearing in, start date, uniform information, and a date for your welcome ceremony! Check the FAQs in the menu for additional information.

Safety is priority one. We outfit our officers with the best equipment and training. Take a look at some of the things to look forward to:
Personalized puncture resistant armor
Body Worn Camera
Full Duty Gear
Pepper spray
Cut-down Tool
Loadbearing Vest - authorized, not provided
And more!

Step 6 - Pre-Background
Within five business days, you should be notified by email of your rank. Those who are selected to begin the background investigation phase will be given a list of documents you will need to submit prior to the background process. This includes certified copies of your birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce decrees, POST certificates, and many more. You can help expedite your background process by having gathering all of your official records. Keep in mind that your official records may require weeks for government agencies and colleges to process.
Step 7 - Background Investigation
A Comprehensive background investigation is conducted. Save yourself time by being thorough and honest. Many of the delays and disqualifications are a result of omitting or minimizing incidents in your past. Some indiscretions are expected, however, dishonesty is never acceptable.
You can prepare ahead of time for this step by gathering all personal documents like marriage certificates, sealed highschool and college transcripts, etc. and by gathering the full contact information for family, friends, co-workers, references, and former supervisors.
Step 8 - CVSA
The Computerized Voice Stress Analysis (Truth Verification Exam) is administered by an investigator. You will be asked about information discovered in your background investigation. Be honest.

Step 3 - Physical Ability
The candidate will be provided with a 20-pound weighted vest. The candidate will start at the starting line and run into an indoor bay to a 165-pound dummy. The candidate will lift the dummy up from under the arms and carry it while moving backwards for 30 feet. Once the dummy's feet cross the designated line, the candidate will be instructed to drop the dummy. The candidate will then turn and exit the bay through the cones simulating a doorway.
The candidate will run approximately 58 feet to a wooden barricade and make their way over using both hands on the obstacle. The candidate will then run approximately 43 feet to another cone doorway and then to the bottom of a staircase. Using at least one hand on the railing, candidates will go up 34 steps, go around a cone and return down the stairs. Skipping steps is not permitted. Upon exiting the simulated doorway, the candidate will sprint approximately 123 feet to the finish line.
The course must be completed in 1 minute and 15 seconds or less. If the candidate goes over the time or is disqualified for violation of the rules, they will receive 1 additional chance to re-test.
Note: This course and criteria are subject to change without notice. Wear athletic clothing, shoes with good grip, bring water, and anything else that you might need for physical exertion. The candidate is responsible for their own warm-up. The test includes polished concrete floors, asphalt, and metal stairs. The test is performed partially indoors and outdoors. No scores from previous testing cycles are allowed. Visit the FAQs at the bottom of this page for tips on preparing for this test.